Is Age Just a Number? Management of the Older Glioma Patient

Is Age Just a Number?

Management of the Older Glioma Patient

The Society for Neuro-Oncology is pleased to present the Management of the Older Glioma Patient webinar.

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Target Audience

Oncologists, Neuro-Oncologists, Neurosurgeons, Radiation Oncologists, Neurologists, Pathologists, Oncology and Neuro-oncology trainees, Oncology nurses and Nurse Practitioners. 

Learning Objectives

  • Epidemiology​
  • What is "elderly"
  • Treatment considerations
  • Randomized Trials and What They Mean​
  • Future Directions

James R. Perry, MD, FRPCP
Professor of Neurology

Chairman, Canadian Brain Tumor Consortium

University of Toronto, Canada