Lower - Grade Gliomas

Lower-Grade Gliomas

The Society for Neuro-Oncology is pleased to present the Lower - Grade Gliomas webinar.

Please email academy@soc-neuro-onc.org for technical issues. 

Target Audience

Oncologists, Neuro-Oncologists, Neurosurgeons, Radiation Oncologists, Neurologists, Pathologists, Oncology and Neuro-oncology trainees, Oncology nurses and Nurse Practitioners. 

Learning Objectives

  • Concept of "lower-grade glioma" (LGG)
    • Old nomenclature of low (II) vs high-grade (III-IV) outdated
    • Transformational impact of IDH mutation discovery
    • Molecular neuropathology for tumor classification
  • Role of Surgery​
  • Optimal use/sequencing of RT and Chemo
    • Chemo alone as initial approach
    • Chemoradiation vs RT
    • Best first - line chemo
  • Treatment at progression
  • Ongoing clinical trials
  • IDHwt LGGs
David Schiff, MD
Harrison Distinguished Professor of Neurology,Neurological Surgery, and Medicine
University of Virgina School of Medicine