Course Description

RANO 2.0: Update to the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) Criteria for High-and Low-Grade Glioma in Adults

The Neuro-Oncology Academy is pleased to announce the next webinar in the SNO Grand Rounds Series: RANO 2.0: Update to the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) Criteria for High-and Low-Grade Glioma in Adults. Registration is free. All SNO webinars are recorded, so if you miss one, you will be able to view it on-demand through the Neuro-Oncology Academy. 

Please email for technical issues. 

Target Audience

Neuro-oncologists, medical oncologists, neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists, radiologists, neuropathologists, physicians/scientists, clinical and laboratory trainees, and allied health professionals.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the challenges of response assessment in glioma trials.
  • Discuss the details of RANO 2.0 (Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology for high- grade and low-grade glioma).
  • Analyze RANO 2.0 criteria and what future trials need to improve for response assessment of gliomas.

Ben Ellingson, PhD, University of California Los Angeles

Michael Vogelbaum, MD,PhD, Moffitt Cancer Center


Isabel Arrillaga Romany, MD, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard

Raymond Huang, MD, PhD,
Brigham and Women’s Hospital


Patrick Wen, MD,
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Martin Van Den Bent, MD, Erasmus MC-Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center

Susan Chang, MD,
University of California, San Francisco​
Neuro-Oncology Academy Leadership ​

Tracy Batchelor, MD, Ex-Officio, Co-Scientific Director

Isabel Arrillaga-Romany, MD, PhD, Co-Scientific Director

Shawn Hervey-Jumper, MD, PhD, Co-Director, Annual Meeting Liaison

Sonia Partap, MD, Co-Director, Pediatric Research

Manish Agi, MD, PhD, Co-Director, Clinical Research

Chas Haynes, JD, Ex-Officio

SNO Staff

Shelley Pressley, MBA, CMP Society for Neuro-Oncology​

MeLesa Ritterhouse, RN, Society for Neuro-Oncology

Olivia Ing, MS, Society for Neuro-Oncology