Rates and Patterns of Clonal Oncogenic Mutations in the Normal Human Brain

Rates and Patterns of Clonal Oncogenic Mutations in the Normal Human Brain

The Society for Neuro-Oncology is pleased to present Rates and Patterns of Clonal Oncogenic Mutations in the Normal Human Brain in Neuro-Oncology webinar.

Please email academy@soc-neuro-onc.org for technical issues. 

Target Audience

Oncologists, Neuro-Oncologists, Neurosurgeons, Radiation Oncologists, Neurologists, Pathologists, Oncology and Neuro-oncology trainees, Oncology nurses and Nurse Practitioners. 


Javier Ganz and Eduardo Maury​

Boston Children’s Hospital, ​
Harvard Medical School, ​
Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT


Daniel Cahill

Principal Investigator

Christopher Walsh

Molecular Pathology Special Interest Track Chairs

Jason Huse
Stephen Yip
Sandro Santagata